BUBICA D.O.O. for dental health care
Zadar, Vinka Paulskog 20
The sociaty is inscribed in registry of the Commercial Court in Zadar under the number MBS 1100360694
Account in Kreditna banka Zagreb : IBAN: HR2224810001128002526
The main capital of the company amounts to HRK 20,000 and is paid in full.
Director and member of the Board is Anita Kranjčević Bubica, represents the company individually and independently.
Specijalistička ordinacija dentalne medicine za ortodonciju mr. sc. Anita Kranjčević Bubica, dr. med. dent., spec. ortodoncije
Zadar, Svetog Vinka Paulskog 17
MBS 80495664
Monday – Friday | 08:00 – 19:00 |
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